A Climate of Justice
What does it mean to love our neighbours in a world that is warming?
That is just one of the questions dealt with in A Climate of Justice. Justice, we are reminded, is important to Christians because justice reflects God’s character. There are many issues of justice that currently concern Christians: the refugee crises and the treatment of asylum seekers; the ways in which indigenous people around the world are treated, including the way in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples lag behind non-indigenous Australians.
Dr. Mick Pope examines these and other justice issues through the lens of the Parable of the Good Samaritan, as well as within the context of climate change. What will come as a surprise to many is the role climate change is found to play in addressing these key issues of justice.
There is no more of a pressing moral crisis than our unprecedented ecological crisis. And there are few people as equipped to speak a prophetic word regarding the church’s response to climate change as our brother Mick Pope. Both as climate scientist and a theologian, Mick is calling the church to proclaim good news to our warming world while being the Good Samaritan to our global neighbours. Please, get this book!!!
Jarrod McKenna, Pastor and co-founder of First Home Project, Commongrace.org.au and #LoveMakesAWay
Technical Specifications
ISBN 9780648164203
Pages 138
Category Christian Worldview
Publication Date Sep 2017
Dimensions 210mm x 148mm
Publishing Australian faith voices since 1979
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